Today makes 4dp5dt and I got a positive digital!! I took one last night and it was negative, but today my tests were even darker so I took another one and it came right up... PREGNANT! It feels so good to see it in words. I will say I took a Walmart $.88 First Signal which a lot of people swear by and it barely had a line compared to the Clearblue and First Response. My internet cheapie had the tiniest shadow of a line. Those are pretty much useless.
So far my only symptoms are lots of little cramps and major hot flashes. I'm also hungry a lot and have to pee every hour almost but I've been like that since starting the Prednisone.
*I'm not sure how to rotate the pictures
He gets home before me, so he was mowing the yard when I got home. I sat out the picture of our embryos with my two first tests and waited what seemed like forever on him to come in. When he finally did he just looked at the test, looked at me and his mouth fell open lol! He said are you serious? He was so excited!!
*It's hard to see but the lines are definitely there!
My parents live about an hour and 15 minutes away, so we couldn't drive to tell them in person last night and I didn't think I could keep it a secret until Wednesday which is when I'll see them again, so we Facetimed them. They were yelling and smiling so much! My husband's parents live 5 minutes away so we went and told them in person. They were so shocked because they didn't think we would be testing this early. His mom went last night and started buying baby stuff! We also told my grandparents and they were also thrilled.
Now we just wait until Monday for my beta results!!