Wednesday, March 28, 2018

First Ultrasound! 5w3d

Well we had our first ultrasound today and it went pretty good! I'm still super early so we couldn't see very much but what we did see was.....

*I still can't figure out how to rotate the pictures. Sorry!
2 babies! We are having twins! When she first started scanning we only saw one.. but then she moved the probe and Baby B popped out! I wasn't really shocked but it does still feel crazy to know for sure that we are having two babies in November. I go back to the doctor next Wednesday for another ultrasound and repeat blood work. I'm just so excited:)

Monday, March 26, 2018

Week 5 Update

Technically I start new "weeks" on Sundays, but I'm not with my computer until Mondays so all of my updates will be a day late. I'm now 5w1d pregnant. I still don't know how many babies I'm having since my first ultrasound is still 2 days away. The time is crawling by. Pretty much everyone thinks we're having twins including myself so we'll see! I lost most of my symptoms for a couple days, but yesterday my slight nausea and heartburn came back. One symptom that did not go away was crazy fatigue. On Saturday I took a 3 hour nap and still went to bed at 10pm and slept all night until 9am. I just can't seem to get enough sleep.

The baby is now the size of a bb pellet/apple seed. I'm still staying pretty bloated so I'm already wearing full clothes to hide my bloat bump until we make our announcement. We are taking our announcement pictures on this Sunday, and will make our announcement on April 13 which is still 18 days away. My DH is running out of patience and is dying to tell everyone lol. My next update will be after my ultrasound on Wednesday! Wish me luck:)

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Second Beta - FET #1 12dp5dt/4w3d

I just got my second beta results back and they were 2,049!! That makes for a doubling time of 30 hours. I'm so happy with those numbers. I have scheduled my first prenatal ultrasound for next Wednesday, so only one week to go before I get to see my babies. (Well, probably just their sacs but still!)

My main symptoms now are crazy bloating, heartburn and very, very fatigued. I have waves of nausea occasionally but I still haven't actually gotten sick yet.

Monday, March 19, 2018

It's beta day!! FET #1 10dp5dt/4w1d

Well I had my blood drawn at 7:45am and now I'm waiting on the call with my results. Today's FRER test line was quite a bit darker than the control line, and my digital said pregnant within 30 seconds. I'm feeling pretty confident, but I'm just ready to get a number and to see if it doubles on Wednesday. Yesterday made 4 weeks pregnant. We've told a few close friends and I told my work people today since even if something was to happen I'd end up telling them because I'd have to miss work. They already knew I was doing IVF so it's not like it's a surprise anyways.

We bought me a mommy mobile on Saturday!! I got a 2013 Ford Explorer that I love! I can't wait to put car seats in it.


My levels at 10dp5dt are 690.74!!! I'm beyond happy with that number. I go for a re-check on Wednesday and they should be around 1,400. After that I'll schedule my first ultrasound for next Wednesday, March 28!!

Friday, March 16, 2018

FET #1 - 7dp5dt (Last update before beta day)

Today marks one week since I did my transfer. I can't believe I've already been getting positives since Monday. I've run out of FRERs, so yesterday was my last one and the test line was as dark as the control line which makes me feel pretty good. I know we're not out of the woods though and I'm so anxious for my first beta results on Monday. They usually call around lunch time so I'll make a post on Monday with my results.

3 weeks and 5 days pregnant today!


- fatigued
- heartburn
- all day nausea
- cramping
- hot flashes

*Most of these are probably from the medicines I'm on. I'm still currently taking my Prenatal Vitamins, Prednisone (2x daily), Baby Aspirin (1x daily), LDN (1x daily), Estrace (3x daily), Prometrium (2x daily), and PIO shots (1x daily).

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

First Pregnancy Symptoms?

Today is the first day I've sort of felt pregnant. Last night I went to bed at 8:30pm because I was just so exhausted. I woke up at midnight with the worst heartburn ever and I never get heartburn. On a side note, it was cool having to google what I could take for it since I'm pregnant. It was about an hour before the medicine kicked in and I was able to sleep. But besides that hour, I slept from 8:30pm to 8am. But even after all that, I'm still so tired/fatigued today. It's just not normal. I also woke up feeling pretty nauseas today, but that might be from my new prenatal vitamins.

I did another test today and the line was even darker! It's getting close to matching the control line now. I only have one more FRER left and one digital left. I plan on holding the digital until beta day which is Monday. I'll probably buy another FRER for Monday too.

My mother-in-law has already started buying baby stuff, and my mom has already bought me a couple maternity dresses. My husband finished painting the trim in the nursery last night and we put the few things we've already bought for the baby in there. We're all getting so excited... 5 days until beta and approximately 14 days until my first ultrasound!! (I really think its twins. We'll see!)

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

FET #1 - 4dp5dt Line Progression

Today makes 4dp5dt and I got a positive digital!! I took one last night and it was negative, but today my tests were even darker so I took another one and it came right up... PREGNANT! It feels so good to see it in words. I will say I took a Walmart $.88 First Signal which a lot of people swear by and it barely had a line compared to the Clearblue and First Response. My internet cheapie had the tiniest shadow of a line. Those are pretty much useless.

So far my only symptoms are lots of little cramps and major hot flashes. I'm also hungry a lot and have to pee every hour almost but I've been like that since starting the Prednisone.

*I'm not sure how to rotate the pictures


He gets home before me, so he was mowing the yard when I got home. I sat out the picture of our embryos with my two first tests and waited what seemed like forever on him to come in. When he finally did he just looked at the test, looked at me and his mouth fell open lol! He said are you serious? He was so excited!!

*It's hard to see but the lines are definitely there!
My parents live about an hour and 15 minutes away, so we couldn't drive to tell them in person last night and I didn't think I could keep it a secret until Wednesday which is when I'll see them again, so we Facetimed them. They were yelling and smiling so much! My husband's parents live 5 minutes away so we went and told them in person. They were so shocked because they didn't think we would be testing this early. His mom went last night and started buying baby stuff! We also told my grandparents and they were also thrilled.

Now we just wait until Monday for my beta results!!

Monday, March 12, 2018

This is the moment I've been waiting for...

As of today....

24 Doctor Office Visits
59 Needles
11 Ultrasounds
2 Surgeries
Over $11,000

Equal my first positive pregnancy test! I'm over the moon!! I just had a feeling that this cycle worked. I had a negative internet cheapie this morning, but I couldn't shake the feeling. I bought a 2 pack of FRER on lunch and took it without any hold at all. Less than 3 minutes later I got my first ever BFP.

It's easier to see in person but its a for sure BFP. I just can't believer it. I'm only 3dp5dt and now I'm freaking out that it's probably twins lol! This is the best day ever... I can't wait to tell my husband tonight.

FET #1 - 3dp5dt

Today I am 3dp5dt and of course I tested. It was BNF as expected being that I'm super early and I used just a cheapie that I don't have much faith in. We are going to get groceries tonight so I plan on buying some FRERs and First Signal tests to start using tomorrow. Tomorrow is also my post-transfer hormone check for Estradiol, Progesterone and TSH. Just one week until beta. I'm feeling much more positive this time but we will see I guess. My only symptoms have been some cramping and twinges in my uterus Saturday night and yesterday. My boobs are only slightly sore when they are normally killing me by now.


Friday, March 9, 2018


My transfer was today and it went perfectly! My embryos thawed beautifully and everything looked great. I transferred two 5AA blastocysts. The only concerning thing was my estrogen was pretty low, so they upped my estrace intake which should hopefully fix it. Post-transfer lab check is 3/13 and beta day is 3/19. I plan on testing next Wednesday for sure. Please stick babies...


Thursday, March 8, 2018

FET #1 - Travel Day!

We leave tonight for Albany to go get 2 of my embabies!! The winter storm is over and they are saying the roads are clear in Albany. We won't arrive until around 1am tomorrow.

I did my first dose of intralipids last night and it was awful. Apparently even though the bag said to do it in 30 minutes, I really needed to do it over an hour or more. My whole arm was in pain and started pulsating. I was only able to do half of the bag. Even today my arm still hurts really bad. I'm not sure if I'll do that again since it's not mandatory.

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Weather Watch - Winter Storm Quinn

We are scheduled to fly out on Thursday night at 7:05pm. As of right now, Albany is supposed to get about a foot of snow on Wednesday. I'm just really hoping that the weather does not affect our flights any on Thursday. I'll be so devastated if I have to cancel this cycle.

I'm starting to feel pretty good about this cycle. I'm not sure why. Maybe it's because it's a frozen cycle and I'm transferring two perfect quality blastocysts this time. I've also added in intralipids to my protocol and I'm going to take a few more precautions during the two week wait. I'm already so ready to start testing. I plan on trying to wait until 5dp5dt which is a week from tomorrow. Please stick babies... I want you both so bad.

Monday, March 5, 2018

My first self-inflicted PIO injection!

Not much is going on. Just taking all my meds and getting ready for my transfer in just 4 long days! But one surprising/exciting thing happened, I did my own PIO shot last night!! My DH was asleep already and I realized I really needed to learn to do it alone because my Mom really didn't want to have to do it this weekend, and there will be other times when DH just isn't available. So I watched a few videos of other people doing it, sucked in my fear and stuck the needle in. It really didn't hurt at all. I'm sore today but that's about it. 3 days until we leave for New York!

Friday, March 2, 2018

FET #1 - Lining Check Is Complete

I had my lining check appointment this morning and it went well. My lining was 9mm and triple striped which is perfect. My only concern was I still had cysts on my ovaries. I'm waiting for my instructions call but I think that's okay. I'll update this post once they call me. As long as they think everything looks okay I'll be scheduling my transfer date and time when they call me. I'm starting to get so excited and nervous...

They called and said everything looks great! Transfer is next Friday at 9am. I start Progesterone on Sunday night.