Monday, July 30, 2018

Weeks 22-23 Update

I'm now 23 weeks and 1 day. The twins are doing great and moving constantly. I can see their movements from the outside as well now. I still take Zofran once a day at night time and I don't have any issues with nausea. I definitely have to take Zantac once a day for heartburn or I'm completely miserable. The Zantac doesn't completely relieve it but it does help a lot. I've gained about 21 pounds since I got pregnant.

I've been having issues with my blood pressure shooting up sometimes. Thankfully it doesn't stay high though. I did do a 24 hour urine protein test which came back at 299 and the cutoff was 300, so they're watching me pretty closely to see if I will develop pre-eclampsia.

I go to both my OB and MFM a week from today for my 24 week appointment. I can't wait to see the twins again and make sure everything still looks good.

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Weeks 18-21 Update

Wow so it's been a while since I did an update. Life has been crazy recently.

Week 18

This was a week from hell. On Monday around 2pm I started getting contractions that were very painful. They were approximately 10 minutes apart sometimes less and lasting 1 minute each. Between 2 and 3pm I had 8, 2 more than my hourly limit. I called the doctor and she told me to come in ASAP. They were so painful it was making me throw up. We went straight to the hospital where they put me on the monitor and deemed that I was indeed having contractions, including some smaller ones that were every 2 minutes apart. Thankfully my cervix was still closed. They gave me a shot to stop the contractions which did help but not completely. They said I was a little dehydrated, but said I should just go home and drink a lot of water and my contractions would probably stop.

I had the worst night ever. I tried to drink water, but then I would have a horrible contraction and throw up again. I also had diarrhea during this time. I cried and was completely miserable all night. The contractions did seem to ease up by the next morning, however by then I felt awful. I hadn't held food or water down in almost 24 hours so I called my doctor. She had me go back in to the hospital. They determined then that I was severely dehydrated and admitted me on the spot. I also had bloody stool that they were concerned about. I ended up spending 2 nights in the hospital getting fluids and resting. MFM checked the babies and they were fine and both head down. They think I may have had a stomach bug as well.

Week 19

Not much exciting happened this week that I can remember.

Week 20

This was a big week for me as far as how I started to feel. The good news is my nausea is much better and I only have to take Zofran once at night now. Also my linea nigra started to form which is kinda cool. The bad news is I started to get very uncomfortable. My back hurts all the time and the babies are always pushing on my lungs. I had me 20 week appointment and everything looked great with me and the babies.

Week 21

Now I'm caught up! This week I'm feeling the babies move pretty consistently and I can usually tell which one is moving. The I also still have very bad backaches and insomnia at night.

In this timeframe I also started a new job with more flexible hours which I really like. Hopefully I won't get behind again! 16 weeks to go until I meet my babies.