Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Day 5 Update

I spoke with embryology a few minutes ago and we have a total of THIRTEEN blastocysts frozen!!! They are watching the other 2 and they said they might be able to freeze them tomorrow. I'm just stunned! We were definitely not expecting that many embryos to make it to the blast stage and be able to be frozen. As far as numbers go, we had a great IVF cycle.

Now is just the waiting to test. My bets day isn't until 2/16, but I think I'll probably do my first at home test on 2/12 which is 7dp3dt (7 days past 3 day transfer). I'm just so excited! I really hope this round worked, but if not at least I know I have plenty of embryos waiting for me that I can use to try again.


  1. Hurray!! These are all answered prayers! I can’t wait for the testing to start! 😍😍 I’m impressed you’re going to wait that long to test LOL I’ll try to be patient 😉

  2. I’m so excited!!! Have you tested yet??
