Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Wishing November would just get here already

Not much is happening right now in our TTC Journey. DH is still on Clomid (50mg once a day) and is about to start his second month so we are 1/3 of the way done. We have mutually decided not to pursue a mTESE if his third semen analysis comes back with 0 sperm again. If it does show some sperm in the ejaculate, we will start freezing them to use for IVF.

As much as I try to be, I'm not very optimistic about the Clomid working, so I've started researching our other options. Of course, DH refuses to talk about them until he gets the final results back so I'm going at it alone right now. Our three main option if Clomid doesn't work are:

1. Donor Sperm IUI

2. Donor Embryo

3. Domestic Newborn Adoption

When we first got the news of DH's Azoospermia, he was completely against donor sperm. However, since going through taking the medicine, doctors visits, blood work, and the fact that we've already spent about $1,000.00 on a 10% chance of a baby, I think he's starting to come around to the idea. I've typed up a pros/cons sheet for each of the options. Obviously the biggest con/concern with donor sperm IUI is that DH feels like the child will grow up and ask why is she (me) my real mom but you're (DH) not my real dad. I personally prefer this option for selfish reasons, time and money. I know we can most likely do our first dIUI is January of next year which is just 4 months away, plus it should only be around $1,500.

Donor embryo is an option we both agree on, but I don't prefer this option because I would like to avoid going through IVF-type hormonal medications and it is roughly $7,500.00 at least. And of course, our last option is domestic newborn adoption. We both also agree with this option, but it is obviously the most expensive. Plus, DH and I are in our early 20s, and we fear that most birth moms will find us too young to raise a child.

So Basically right now all we can do is wait until November 20 gets here to do his third and final semen analysis. I feel like I might just go crazy before then.

*Edit: Since writing this we have decided that Donor IUI is not the right path for us. If Clomid doesn't work, we will be moving on to embryo adoption.

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