Monday, July 30, 2018

Weeks 22-23 Update

I'm now 23 weeks and 1 day. The twins are doing great and moving constantly. I can see their movements from the outside as well now. I still take Zofran once a day at night time and I don't have any issues with nausea. I definitely have to take Zantac once a day for heartburn or I'm completely miserable. The Zantac doesn't completely relieve it but it does help a lot. I've gained about 21 pounds since I got pregnant.

I've been having issues with my blood pressure shooting up sometimes. Thankfully it doesn't stay high though. I did do a 24 hour urine protein test which came back at 299 and the cutoff was 300, so they're watching me pretty closely to see if I will develop pre-eclampsia.

I go to both my OB and MFM a week from today for my 24 week appointment. I can't wait to see the twins again and make sure everything still looks good.

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