Wednesday, July 19, 2017

DH is really struggling

I feel so bad for DH.  He's really having a hard time with all of this uncertainty.  Things have been really tense between us as we have different goals right now.  I just want a baby, I don't care where it comes from or who's genes are in it.  DH only wants to consider a 100% biological child of both of us.  It's really wearing on me as I really don't want to spend a lot of time and a whole lot of money on more tests and procedures on him when in the end we will have MAYBE a 20% chance of getting a baby if everything works out.  I want to just move on to donor sperm or embryo adoption.  We are still waiting on the results of his blood work which will tell us more about our options and if there's any chance we could even surgically retrieve sperm from him.  I just want a baby.

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