Monday, February 26, 2018

Waiting for lining check... and feeling pretty sick

I'm on day 4 of Estrogen pills and I'm feeling pretty crappy. I have headaches every day and terrible mood swings. I honestly think I feel worse in this cycle than I did in my IVF stim cycle. And to top it off, I have a bad cold/sinus infection, so I'm dealing with that as well. Not much is going on other than that, I'm just waiting for my lining check on Friday so we can book my transfer as long as all looks good. I'm really hoping my lining doesn't give us any problems.

I paid for my FET cycle and booked my flights this weekend. The only thing left to book is the hotel but I'm waiting until we have a for sure date before I do that since I use Priceline and it's non-refundable. My mom is going with me this time and my husband is staying at home. He really wanted to go but it was cheaper for just me since we have to fly. Cross your fingers for a good thick lining on Friday!!

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