Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Second Ultrasound - Graduated from CNY Fertility - 6w3d

Today was our second ultrasound. We were able to see both sacs, yolk sacs, and fetal poles. We were also able to see and hear both heartbeats which was an amazing feeling. Baby A had a heart rate of 111 beats per minute and Baby B had a heart rate of 104 beats per minute. They said anything over 100 is good so we're super happy with that. Both measured 6w2d which they said is fine. I'm waiting on a call from CNY to see if they will release me this week or make me stay another week with them. I'm hoping to be released since everything looks great and I already have my OB appointment scheduled for April 16. Grow babies grow!!

*UPDATE - I was officially released from CNY today! I'll continue my meds until April 29 (10 weeks pregnant), and then only continue my progesterone suppositories for another two weeks until May 13. After that I'll be done with my medications! I'm so happy:)


  1. ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Hurray! I am loving all of this great news, Haley! I hope you know I check this blog every day for updates. I just love the miraculous journey you’re on ❤️
