Monday, March 19, 2018

It's beta day!! FET #1 10dp5dt/4w1d

Well I had my blood drawn at 7:45am and now I'm waiting on the call with my results. Today's FRER test line was quite a bit darker than the control line, and my digital said pregnant within 30 seconds. I'm feeling pretty confident, but I'm just ready to get a number and to see if it doubles on Wednesday. Yesterday made 4 weeks pregnant. We've told a few close friends and I told my work people today since even if something was to happen I'd end up telling them because I'd have to miss work. They already knew I was doing IVF so it's not like it's a surprise anyways.

We bought me a mommy mobile on Saturday!! I got a 2013 Ford Explorer that I love! I can't wait to put car seats in it.


My levels at 10dp5dt are 690.74!!! I'm beyond happy with that number. I go for a re-check on Wednesday and they should be around 1,400. After that I'll schedule my first ultrasound for next Wednesday, March 28!!


  1. Replies
    1. What a BEAUTIFUL number!! Wednesday will be another exciting day and your ultrasound is only EIGHT DAYS AWAY!!! 😍😭😍😭

    2. We're definitely thinking it's twins!! I can't wait to see next week.

    3. Looking forward to an update!
